Preprofessional Portfolio
Preprofessional Portfolio
My Work pages are an ever growing and changing display of my up to date current Professional Portfolio with a small mix of photos that would otherwise be part of this section; those photos I would consider to be though taken as an amateur worthy of my Professional Portfolio .The photos represented in this section are highlights from my body of work from before I started marketing myself as Professional Freelance Photographer and either included in my physical High School and College Portfolios or were taken during that time of their creation.
An early photo from September 12, 2009. I was 13 using my first point and shoot camera.
The first ever photo I took with a DSLR on my birthday in 2010.
Before 2010
Before Fall of 2010 My photography was sparse. My parents saw I had a growing interest in carrying a camera with me just about everywhere I went, so my dad allowed me to carry around a Canon point and shoot camera he used for work at the time.
High School:
Fall 2010- Spring 2014
Fall of 2010 I started my freshman year of High School, but to me this time had a greater impact as being the start of my career with Digital SLR Cameras. This Section is dedicated to my earliest work with the type of Camera that I use present day as I stepped headlong into what would become a passion and lead to a career as an artist.

College Portfolio
Fall 2014- Spring 2017
With the end of my senior year of high school in the spring of 2014, I would move on to college in Jacksonville, Alabama at the eponymous Jacksonville State University and later to a similarly eponymous Kennesaw State University of Kennesaw, Georgia. I would further my study of art and photography with classes at both and built a portfolio of work while attending both along the way.